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tv   The Daily Rundown  MSNBC  February 27, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EST

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>> i still don't understand a word he's saying. >> there are two, there are two not one, two, sandwiches in philadelphia named after rendell. >> that has bacon on it, which i don't eat. >> it's the greatest part of my political career. >> identify what the it is. >> you have strategic vision? okay. >> it's gradual thing. i have read it. >> willie, it's way too early what time is it? >> it's "morning joe." stick around here for chuck. 24 hours to go before the michigan and arizona primaries. both mitt romney and rick santorum seem to be trying to snatch a defeat from the jaws of victory while they are unloading on each other, they seem to be digging deeper holes for themselves. this while some party insiders still openly talk of that knight
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in shining armor as infighting on the right takes its toll, nbc's new battleground map shows good news for the president's re-election coming in the industrial midwest including michigan. what does that tell you about the past few weeks? that's our deep dive today. overnight, another strike against nato forces in afghanistan. reports of attempted poisoning at a u.s. base. the latest hit following six days of violent protests. is there any way to diffuse this anger? it's monday, february 27th, 2012. this is "the daily rundown." i'm chucke ed ted t ed ted t ee. the final stretch rather than focusing on the economy, santorum used back to back speeches over the weekend to catch the republican race as battle between the secular and religious. he disparaged john f. kennedy's speech on catholicism. >> i don't believe in an america
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with separation of church and state is absolute. absolute you say that people of faith have no role in the public square, you bet that makes you throw up. >> and claims that president obama is encouraging college education to indoctrinate young people. >> president obama said he wants everyone in america to go to college. what a snob. i understand why he wants you to go to college. he wants to remake you in his image. >> by the way, santorum has one more higher ed degree than the president. again, all of this over the weekend may help with some element of the republican party and there is a religious conservative element of the republican party in the state of michigan. boy, is it raising negatives quickly. we see that show up both in republican polls but also polls of general election voters. romney's momentum ground to a halt on friday with that bad event at ford field where romney
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delivered his address to 1,200 people that he somehow squeezed into the 65,000 seat stadium. romney is downplaying expectations ahead of tomorrow's primary. >> i'm planning on winning here in michigan and also in arizona. obviously that will be huge for us if we're able to do that. particularly having come from so far behind here in michigan. >> he's playing up these hometown roots at the daytona 500 delayed by rain sunday where romney was photographed with lenny kravitz. he took another opportunity to give his love of cars a mention. >> this combines a couple things i like best. cars and sports. >> but playing up fondness for michigan's auto industry got him into trouble on friday when romney ad libbed to a long list of comments that seem to make him seem a tad out of touch. >> i drive a mustang and a chevy pickup truck.
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ann drives a couple cadillacs also. i can't be perfect. i just am who i am. we have a car that we have in california. we have a car that we have back in boston where our other home is. that's just the way it is. if people think there's something wrong with being successful in america, they better vote for the other guy. >> romney supporters are trying to diagnose his difficulties connecting. >> i think some people look at him as a ceo and people right now want to have somebody that truly just feels their pain and empathizes with what they are going through in this horrible economy. some people look at his wealth and mentally he can't connect with me. >> he's a doctor who doesn't have a bedside manner. do you care or do you want him to have the cure. voters will decide whether they decide he has what it takes to fix the economy. >> romney did answer that debate
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question from john king last week weighing in on what he believes is his biggest misconception about his candidacy. >> i think the biggest misconception would be that i'm a guy that comes from massachusetts and therefore i can't be conservative. i'm a solid conservative, a committed conservative with principles that america needs. >> many romney supporters wondering where was that answer at the debate. a romney loss in michigan tomorrow would send the gop establishment into a public panic potentially laying the groundwork for another candidacy and could make chaos. three heavy weights who have have not endorsed. mitch daniels eliminated himself from the running. >> i just don't have the ambition or maybe obsession for it. got a very important job i'm trying to finish strong in now. i got a family that didn't like the idea at all. that's sufficient reason.
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i think people are still shopping and that's all right. >> daniels also said that "the fact that no one has sewn it up like previous cycles means it's a relevant question. it wouldn't have been a relevant question in previous cycles. this one is different in many ways." romney's surrogate chris christie admitted that it could get messy. >> is there a possibility if governor romney lost a contested convention. that's a possibility. we have to be patient as republican. take a deep breath. let the process work out. >> how bad is the hand wringing for the party? >> if romney lost michigan and not going to lose michigan that would throw things in the ditch. i think he'll win both states. governor romney is a better candidate today because of the primary process. >> there you have it.
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that's what he's got to avoid tomorrow is losing michigan at any costs. that's where you could see the hand wringing building. a high school east of cleveland, ohio, is still under lockdown after a shooting was reported in the school's cafeteria. police say the gunman is now in custody and as we get more information about what happened, what the circumstances were, we'll bring you additional information. this is again the gunman in custody and this is just outside of cleveland. all right. another deadly day in afghanistan after two suicide bombers detonated a car bomb to the entrance of a nato air base in eastern afghanistan today. nine afghans were killed and four nato personnel injured. just the latest in a wave of violence throughout afghanistan after u.s. troops inadvertently burned several copies of the koran. every day it's a new violent attack that you're having to report on. any chance this starts dying
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down? >> reporter: well, the interesting thing, chuck, is there may be fewer protests going around throughout the country but the anger has not died down. the afghan people still very upset. the taliban using it to their advantage after the burning of the koran just last week. whether it was intentional or not, the afghan people are still very upset. we also got another report today that there was a possible food poisoning at a u.s. base in eastern afghanistan. the taliban claimed that they had a cook there lace the coffee and fruit with bleach. i called u.s. forces here. they say that there was a possible food tampering incident. they are investigating that incident. there have been no injuries at that base in eastern afghanistan. chuck? >> all right. stay safe please. on the diplomatic front here, we're going to dig deeper. u.s. ambassador to afghanistan ryan crocker is calling for calm and rejecting the renewed calls for the u.s. to speed up its
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withdrawal from afghanistan. >> terrible tragedies. and very worthy of the condemnation they have received but this is not the time to decide that we're done here. we have got to redouble our efforts. we've got to create a situation in which al qaeda is not coming back. >> nbc's chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell is here. how panicked are u.s. officials? >> i wouldn't call it panicked but deeply concerned. they wouldn't admit to panic. you could not have a better ambassador in this crisis point. this is ryan crocker who has been in every tough post and came back into service after retiring. was in beirut when the bombing took place in 1983. was in charge of that embassy. that said, he has withdrawn, diplomats, general allen has
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withdrawn them from these ministries. we're not performing the essential purpose of being in afghanistan which is to train up the afghan government diplomatic, civilian and militant. >> is this a case where karzai is playing local politics here or is he being a good partner on this specific incident? >> i think it shows his weakness. he's trying to be a good partner and according to reporting over the weekend, there's been some imams who have actually been preaching on friday the violence was not as bad as feared after friday prayers. the organized protests have not been as bad the last couple days as they worried they would be. what is really concerning this potential poisoning. if can you not trust the person that you are lying down next to in the field or on a nato base, if you cannot trust the cooks who are feeding you, we cannot leave our personnel there. >> i have to leave it there.
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we need to go back to this breaking news. a high school east of cleveland, ohio. it's still under lockdown after a shooting was reported in the school's cafeteria. four students have been injured. police say two gunmen are now in custody. one boy is now being processed here. i'm told i have chris jansing here to help me out with the latest of anymore information that we're learning. what more can you tell us about what's going on? >> it does appear they have one shooter in custody and you know how social media is these days, chuck. a lot of the kids obviously were communicating with their parents and other folks. the word is the shooting happened in the cafeteria. four people were hit. we don't know exactly what their conditions are. that's really the question right now. chardon is a very small, rural community. it's about 20, 25 miles east of cleveland. the sheriff confirming that this happened and that there is someone in custody and that the school was on lockdown and that
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pictures we were getting from the scene in chardon were emotional. i think dramatic. parents obviously beginning to hear whether through social media, through their kids texting them or watching it on television because it was being covered wall to wall on local television stations that parents were rushing to the scene of chardon high school trying to find their kids and see exactly what was going on. you can just imagine how frantic this was in the early hours at about 8:00 this morning. it happened there just after school opened obviously. and they were able again as we said to put one person into custody who is believed to be the shooter. the question right now is exactly what the motive might be and of course more immediately what's the status of those four who were shot. we'll keep you posted on that. let me send it back to you for now. >> all right. chris jansing, there's a report there may have been a second
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gunman at least according to the reports and that person is in custody as well. >> yeah. as i understand it, that's correct right now. and they may be taking that school off lockdown. there's another school right across the street there and they may be -- they had some parents there moving some of the students there now. they believe they have the situation under control. as you know, chuck, in these types of situations, it's a very fluid situation. and the information comes out fast and furious. let's listen to a local nbc station there and get the latest. >> thank you so much for your time. all right. go get your daughter. you'll be happy to be reunited. so again it seems that they are on their way to maple elementary where they are being reunited with their high school children. here where we are parents still waiting to pick up their middle school students. >> at some point, stephanie,
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it's clear that the high schoolers will be bussed over to maple elementary and the scene we see unfolding behind you will be duplicated again so that -- >> there are students from that school who had been on lockdown now being moved across the street where they were holding their parents. a very volatile situation as they were trying to get these perpetrators into custody so they moved the parents across the street to the elementary school while the high school was on lockdown and now we started to see some of those reunions. there you can see a man in the maroon shirt obviously walking away. i know this community very well, chuck. i have a brother who lives there. i stay there when i go home to ohio. they are known for maple sugar. it's a very close knit sort of middle american all-american community. not that any school and their parents wouldn't react the same way in these circumstances. it's a small town. very easy for parents to get
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there. it's good to see they are being reunits reunited with their kids and we'll see what the conditions of these four people are who were shot, chuck. >> all right. chris jansing with the latest there. thanks very much. we'll have much more on this developing story after the break. plus illinois governor pat quinn will join us here. a bunch of governors in town. we'll talk gas prices with him and big changes to our nbc news battleground map including a flip in michigan. the map that's looking better for the president than it did three months ago. we'll tell what you it means in today's deep dive. first, a look ahead at the president's schedule. a meeting with the governors today. and then he's got a campaign event. watching "the daily rundown" only on msnbc. i knew it'd be tough on our retirement savings, especially in this economy. but with three kids, being home more really helped. man: so we went to fidelity. we talked about where we were and what we could do. we changed our plan and did something about our economy.
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an update on that high school shooting east of cleveland in ohio. chardon high school still under lockdown after a shooting was reported in the school cafeteria. it is reported that two gunmen are in custody as parents gather near the school grounds. we're getting word that students barricaded hem selv ed themselvs rooms throughout the school during the shooting there. we're seeing pictures of the police as they are there. chris jansing joins me again. chris, it seems like every 30 seconds we're learning something new about the situation. what more do we know? >> not surprising given obviously how chaotic this situation was when it broke out this morning. let me tell you the latest we know. the latest is that the local affiliate is backing off after talking to police about the theory there were two people who were shooting. they are now saying that there was a lone gunman. there may be two people in custody but they are saying there's a lone gunman. the second thing we're getting confirmation on is from the
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school superintendent there. he says that four students were shot. we didn't know initially. we knew four people were shot. we didn't know who they were. he's saying four students. what we still don't know is exactly what their conditions were although ambulances came to the scene from four different local communities including chardon itself. the school remains on lockdown although there you see these pictures of some students who have been brought over across the street where there is an elementary school and they are being reunited with their frantic parents who obviously flocked to the scene and wereely the situation was being calmed down. a number of parents said they had spoken to their kids or their kids had texted them and said that this happened inside the cafeteria in the school. one student told a local station that they heard a total of five shots that were fired but right now they do have at least one
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person potentially two in custody. they say at least at this point there was a lone shooter and we are still waiting to hear from the hospital exactly what the condition is of the four students who apparently were hit, chuck. >> chris jansing with the latest. given the nature of social media these days and how armed high school students are with cameras and cell phones, i imagine we'll get a lot of information fast and furious, some of which may not be accurate. >> no doubt. >> thank you so much. president obama hosted a black tie dinner last night for the nation's governors. >> the thing about governors is that by nature and if not by nature then by virtue of the position, you end up having to be pragmatic because you have to figure out what works and that's why i'm confident that we're going to be able to find more and more common ground going forward. >> most of the governors are here in washington for their annual winter meeting. it wraps up today after a more formal meeting at the white
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house though not black tie. illinois governor pat quinn joins me now. let me start with what you heard, you know, it seems as if governors always have an easier time being bipartisan in the nature of their jobs than senators or members of congress do. is that the case even when you guys gather together? >> no doubt about it. we're all commanders in chief of the national guard and there's a proposal in washington to cut back dramatically on the air national guard of our state and every other state and all governors unanimously are opposed to that. we have to be pragmatic. important things that really count for public safety and definitely for jobs. we had a great meeting with the president of the democratic governors on friday. i think the president deserves a lot of credit. for 23 straight months of private job growth in our country and it's keeping going and illinois we've had a tremendous resurgence in our
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auto industry and that's due to barack obama, our president. >> let's ask you about issues of gas prices. it's an issue that in the moment gets political size e politiciz. it does hit people at home in the pocketbooks. are you at all considering a gas tax suspension in illinois or things like that? i know a lot of governors think about things like that when you see spikes that we see right now in gasoline. >> i don't see that happening. one good thing that's happening, chrysler, which had 200 jobs when the president was inaugurated at belvidere in illinois, will have 4,200 jobs this summer and they are making a new dodge dart. 40 miles to the gallon. that's one of the key ways of fighting back against the big oil companies and high gas prices is more fuel efficient vehicles. president was able to get that done. i think it's also important that we take on big oil. the big oil companies, they often times push consumers
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around and we need the government and president obama to help us fight back. >> what do you mean by that exactly? do you think you are being gauged? >> i think they take advantage with high fuel prices and i think it's time they show more patriotism and i'm going to be asking our attorney general in illinois to take a look at the behavior and conduct of oil companies in the market and i think that's how most americans feel. they don't feel it's a very fair playing field and we have to fight back. >> let me ask you one of the proposals that governor romney has and it's also from paul ryan and some other republicans about dealing with health care in particular medicaid, which would push medicaid more into a block grant situation to the states, how would that impact your budget? >> well, i'm not for that. i'm for restructures medicaid. i think too often it becomes a provider payment system rather
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than a wellness health care system. and it's not all about how many claims the providers can file but rather how healthy the people, the recipients are and that really is our challenge in illinois. it's a challenge across the country. we have 2.7 million people in the medicaid program and they are our neighbors. people that maybe lost their jobs through no fouault of thei own. we want to make sure they have health care for their family and that's america's apple pie. >> who do you ensentivize to get that? >> it shouldn't be one silo after another. we have to make sure it's a coordinated system and that's our biggest challenge in illinois this year. we've got to reduce our expenditures and improve our health care and i think we can do that if we restructure the system and it's a major
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challenge in our state and every state. >> all right. governor pat quinn, democrat from illinois. a big supporter of the president's re-election. thank you for coming out this morning. >> officials say students were shot four of them at a high school in ohio and a suspect is now in custody. we're going to have the latest details just ahead. they continue to change. we'll bring you that information. first, as always, today's trivia question. who won both the republican and democratic presidential prima primaries in michigan in the same campaign year? the same person won both republican and a democratic presidential primary. name the person and the year they did it. tweet me the answer. first correct answer gets the prize from us. [ male announcer ] if you think tylenol
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the fbi is now on the scene of that school shooting east of cleveland, ohio. moments ago we got an update from officials.
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>> what we know right now is that we suspect one gunman and that individual is in custody and we have four students that we know have been injured. they have been transported to local hospitals. what we want to do is interview as many folks as we can right now and work together and find out exactly what happened this morning at the school. >> all right. chris jansing as we know the stuff is fluid. what have we got? >> confirmation about the key points of what happened today. there is one gunman who is in custody. four students, students were hit. we still don't know their conditions and you just heard the official talking about them being transported to local hospitals. we know a helicopter was sent. i don't know whether it was used. ambulances were sent from four different areas. and i can tell you that there is a university hospital that's a big hospital system in the
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cleveland area really just down the road a few miles that would be a very quick trip to get those students to the hospital. and also a quick helicopter ride away from cleveland clinic. one of the premiere hospitals in the world. we don't know the condition of those students. i don't know when we'll get that information. what we can tell you is it happened about 7:30 this morning. that would have been very early in the school day. don't have a sense of how crowded the cafeteria was but several students who communicated with their parents said it did happen in the cafeteria. and so obviously that time of morning when a lot of students are going to school, maybe picking something up for breakfast. potentially it could have been fairly crowded in there. and as you pointed out, chuck, we may get more information because of students starting to send things out on social media. again, the town of chardon fairly small. student population maybe they graduate about 300 students a year. this is a small high school. a small town where everyone
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knows everyone. and a lot of parents who obviously were rushing to chardon high school today to try to find out exactly what happened to their students and many of them have already in the last hour or so been reunited, student and parent. we'll keep you posted. we're waiting for any motive, what exactly happened there and of course what's the condition of those students. chuck? >> we'll come back to you in just a moment. first, the opening bell has just rung. time for market rundown. dow futures are down playing off fears of higher oil prices. the price of oil has edged below $109 a barrel but trading more than 13% higher than a month ago. on friday oil closed at the highest point since may 2011. the average price continues to rise as well. gas has jumped by 18 cents over the past two weeks now at 3.69 for a gallon of regular unleaded mid grade is now at 3.83 and premium at 3.95.
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tensions in the middle east is partly to blame for those rise in costs. we'll have more on the school shooting in 30 seconds. as we have been updating all morning, four students are now being treated after a school shooting east of cleveland in chardon, ohio. chris jansing has the very latest. with the fbi on the scene, hopefully we'll get more information about exactly what happened in that cafeteria.
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>> and obviously we're getting -- we got conflicting reports early on and now two hours after the shooting happened we are getting the same story from police from the superintendent and from students who were there that there was one shooter. he's been taken into custody. let's listen in to our local nbc station there. >> are police still there? are they searching the property? >> evidence is being collected and statements are being taken from the individuals there on scene. >> so is the high school empty? is anyone still there? >> i know we have law enforcement in there. all of the students have been taken over to maple elementary. >> can you tell us how the phone call first came in and how you first found out about it? >> at this time we can't. that's all i can say at this time. >> thank you very much, lieutenant. >> and so the lieutenant confirming what we had said which is that it had been on lockdown but most students were taken out because so many parents obviously had come. once they had that shooter into
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custody, obviously they felt more confident to reunite students with the crime scene. students can't go back in to check lockers and get their books. it's a crime scene investigation with the fbi having been brought in. potential charges not known because we don't know how seriously injured any of the four students who shot were. we'll keep you posted on this. chuck, let me send it back to you. >> we'll check back in in a couple minutes. for today's deep dive, a brand new nbc news battleground map as we know presidential elections come down to electoral votes. there are 538 of them out there. you need 270 of them to win. usually electoral votes and popular votes line up. remember in 2000 it came down to florida. george w. bush barely won it and he beat al gore by five electoral votes there in 2004 it all hinged on ohio's then 20
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electoral votes. president bush beat senator kerry by 34 electoral votes but that one state would have swung it and could have had two straight elections where the person with the popular vote would have lost. in 2008 we saw a lot of red states go through. large parts of the midwest and a couple southern states turned for the democrats and gave president obama one of the more decisive victories in recent history. carrying both florida and ohio and beat the mccain/palin ticket with 365 to republicans 173. here's the new nbc news battleground map. as we show you back in november our scorecard had it at 196 democratic votes to 195 republican votes here 147 of them tossups. today it moved heavily toward the president. obama's favor. he picked up 31 of these up to 227 for democrats to 197 for republicans and 114 in tossup columns. the big changes in the map, we moved michigan, wisconsin and
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new mexico to democrat reflecting president obama's improved strength in these states. we also moved new hampshire from lean republican to tossup and we moved iowa from tossup to lean republican. help me now to break down this, i have mark with me. quickly in the three moves that we made in four of the five moves that we made were in the president's favor all reflecting sort of the state of the current republican race and republican party. >> that's right. there are a few things going on. the approval rating has inched up. better economic news. last time we did this in november, president was in debt ceiling blues with approval ratings and since that time we've been in the throws of this republican primary season and we've seen mitt romney's numbers go down with independence and other republicans take a hit and we looked to see what has happened and biggest gains for president obama is reflected in public polling in michigan and
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wisconsin. >> ohio is close. tough state for the president. he's still staying competitive and leaning even though the entire obama campaign is designed around winning without ohio. >> the way to look back in november, you and i both like college football. we're at the 50 yard line. when you move michigan and wisconsin to lean democrat we're at the 40 yard line on the republican territory. if you move pennsylvania back into the lean and that's a state we should be watching in the next couple months, then the 20 or 25. >> we did some math here and played around with this. there are six different ways, seven different ways for the president to get to 270 electoral votes without florida and ohio and they include some combination of pennsylvania, fastest way to get there, pennsylvania, north carolina and virginia. that gets him 48. he needs 43. he gets it there. they could win three of these
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four, pennsylvania, north carolina, virginia or colorado and then also make sure that they either win new hampshire or nevada. that gets them there. they have a bunch of paths without florida and ohio. that's the point. that's what they want to do. that's what makes it if you're the republicans, pennsylvania is so key to keeping it a tossup. all of a sudden come summertime if pennsylvania is a tossup contest, that means that republicans are now fighting on democratic turf. all these states that we're talking about, these are republican states. bush states. that were either won or heavily contested in 2000 or 2004. >> if you assume on the republican path that hispanic are a tough road to hoe for the republicans and you concede colorado and nevada to democrats, and you concede pennsylvania, there's only opat they have to win. florida, colorado, virginia. all four of them. that's a tough hoe. >> this comes down to math. you see by summertime if
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republicans pretty much have to have a triple bank shot in order to win or if there are many other opportunities and right now what we've seen is we have eight plus months to go, things are looking better for team chicago than they were three or four months ago. >> today they have more paths to 270 than republicans. good stuff. we'll have a way for everybody in the public to play this game very soon. i promise you. more on the school shooting in ohio. as you know we keep going back when we get new information. police say they can't confirm whether the gunman was a student or not. chris jansing has been following the very latest on this. all right. what else do we know? >> we are getting some new information from reporters on the scene. i also caution in situations like this, this is something that happened just a couple hours ago. school was opening up. 7:30. first period at chardon high school is at 7:30. it happened in the school cafeteria. four students shot. a local television station talked to a city official who had first confirmed to them that it was four students who were shot.
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he is telling them that it is three boys and a girl who were shot here and that a few of them may be in critical condition. again, that was right as it was happening and so i give you some caution there because obviously that was the initial assessment. we do not know that is the hospital assessment. two of them, two of the students were taken to hillcrest hospital. that is one of the satellites of the cleveland clinic. the area where this is happening just to give you sort of a sense of the scene is a big walmart there and at the walmart apparently is where the emergency vehicles, the local paper is reporting, and the ambulances were con regulgregat. it is probably one part of this town where there actually is some traffic but parents started showing up very quickly. one shooter is in custody. we're still waiting officially to get word on four students
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that were shot and we'll keep you posted, chuck. >> all right. chris jansing with the latest on there where we now believe the victims are three boys and one girl. more on this right after the break. we'll be right back. feel the power my young friend. mmm! [ male announcer ] for excellent fruit and veggie nutrition... v8 v-fusion, also refreshing plus tea. could've had a v8. v8 v-fusion, also refreshing plus tea. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. whose non-stop day starts with back pain...
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ha ha. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. ♪ what's in your wallet? ♪ what's in your...your... at least four students have been injured in a shooting this morning. it's at chardon high school. chris jansing has her own local connection there is has been following the very latest. chris, get us up to speed. >> we do know more information as you and i have been talking about, chuck, it comes from the students themselves who have been talking to their parents and in some cases now have gotten word to local media. apparently it's a little before 7:30. there are students in the cafeteria. they are eating breakfast waiting for the first period bell to ring. first period is at 7:30. and that's when a lone gunman apparently stood up and started firing at people.
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we don't know who this person is except they are in custody. we don't know if it's a student. we know four students were hit and a local television station is reporting that it's three boys and one girl and two students were taken to hillcrest hospital. that's part of the cleveland clinic in that area as you say this is an exert. 20, 25 miles east of cleveland. and there is a local hospital as well just down the road. not far from there. reports again that we are getting from the scene that one student at least was evacuated by helicopter. the helicopter was able to land nearby in the walmart parking lot and those are really all of the details that we have. no information on the shooter except that he was taken into custody and that he apparently was taken a short distance to the sheriff's department and that's where he was being held at the last we heard. obviously school is not going to be happening today. they are sending the students home. a lot of them going with their parents who rushed to the scene. that's the latest from here,
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chuck. >> and of course obviously the other thing that we need that we're not clear on it seems is whether parents are able to take their kids home or if kids need to stick around for law enforcement to interview them and i know right now you are about to get some more information so what more can you tell us? >> john hitchcock is on the phone now. can you hear me? john? >> caller: yes. >> it's good to talk to you. are you with the sheriff or with local police? >> caller: i'm with the sheriff's office. i'm their public information officer. >> it's good to talk to you, john. i know chardon. my brother lives in chardon. i grew up in that area. i'm familiar with the geography there. give us a sense of what you know of what happened this morning? >> this morning at chardon city high school we had a shooter enter the school. we had four victims taken.
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they have all been transported. three via ground. one was lifted out. we have that shooter in custody at this time. they are still in the process of putting the parents with the seniors and juniors from the high school over at maple elementary which is across the street and we are also sending the children home from the middle school and at both locations the process now is collecting evidence, getting statements and putting the parents back with children. >> i thought i saw lake county s.w.a.t. there. we've been told fbi is on the scene. tell us about the police presence there, john. >> the police presence. we didn't know what we were actually going to be getting into. highway patrol is here. fbi as well as local law enforcement. everyone in the area responded
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up here. every unit in the county has law enforcement on scene. we've had drills on this in the past. right now we're in a process of getting statements and putting parents with students. >> with you mentioned that you've had drills on this. when it is involving a school, do you have a system set up via twitter or on some sort of social media where you get the word out about this or where you are able to notify parents? different police departments have different procedures. that would be a question you could check with chardon city on. >> and so that's not something that the geauga police would do? >> the high school is located inside the city limits. >> what can you tell us about the shooter? is it a student? >> don't know that. i can't tell you if it's male or female. i honestly don't know. i'm at another location. i have been informed that the
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individual is in custody. >> we did hear reports that the shooter himself had tweeted something out. do you know anything about that? can you confirm that for us? can you confirm that for us? >> i cannot confirm that at this time. >> what about the students who were shot, themselves, what do we know about their conditions? i know there was a city official who said he believed perhaps two or three of them were -- looked like they were critically wounded. obviously, one was seriously enough wounded that they needed an air evacuation. do you know anything atconditio? >> no, i don't know anything at awe about spare specific condition. it wouldn't be unusual for a life lift so that one hospital wouldn't be inundated by itself. >> where is the nearest hospital? >> that hospital is about four miles from chardon city. and then we're not far from
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hillcrest or even university downtown. >> yeah, a lot of options there. so what will be the first order of business in this investigation, lieutenant? >> well, until we're done getting parents hooked up with their students, you know, that is the main priority at this time now. the victims are all at the hospitals and our process right now is going smoothly. but it is a process of getting parents with their students. >> well, our thoughts are with that community. obviously, a devastating time this morning. lieutenant john hitchcock, we appreciate you taking the time to talk to us right now. >> thank you. >> chuck, back to you. >> all right, we're going to take a quick break. when we come back, we'll take you to more from chardon, ohio. we'll be right back. sweet. [ female announcer ] with charmin ultra soft, you can get that cushiony feeling while still using less. designed with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent and you can use four times less.
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here's live pictures now from chardon high school.
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authorities confirm that there was just one gunman who opened fire just before school began. and that shooter is now in custody. four students have been injured. we don't know the extent of those injuries just yet. we do know that one student was evacuated by helicopter. two students are at hillcrest hospital, which is part of the cleveland clinic chain. we do not know whether the shooter was a student or whether the student was male or female. the f.b.i. and local law enforcement are on the scenes. the local county police do note that there have been drills of this nature previously. the cleveland plane dealer is reporting that the shooter fled the high school building but was caught on a road in the chardon township. obviously, this news and information is coming in very quickly. that's it for this edition of "the daily run down." we'll have the latest on this shooting. tomorrow, of course, we come up for air on the air. polls will be open in arizona in
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michigan. msnbc's live coverage of both primary result nights begin at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow night. coming up next, on msnbj, chris jansing will have the latest on this school shooting and if we can get to it, an interview with the former governor. have a great day. ♪
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. good morning. i'm chris jansing. we are following this breaking story out of suburban, cleveland, ohio. chardon ohio. four students have been shot. at least one of them had to be taken by helicopter. their conditions have been reported by a local official who said at least a few of them appeared to be in critical condition. but it is early. and we don't have any official word from the hospitals themselves. one gunman is reportedly in custody, believed to be a student, but we don't have confirmation on that, either. the school